Mackey St to Lawn St

The steps from Mackey St to Lawn St in Oakland are in serious need of repair.  These steps are made of wood, and have over the years deteriorated and shifted.  The wooden stair treads have been replaced in many places, but now the supports that these treads are resting on are rotting away.  They are missing handrails in places and are overgrown with vegetation.

These steps are in daily use by the Postal service who use them to deliver mail to the residents of Mackey Street and are dangerous to use.  If these steps were in better condition they would serve as an improved connection for residents of Oakland to the South Side and the Eliza Furnace bike trail.

My recommendation is that these steps be replaced with permanent concrete steps that include a bicycle rail.

Missing railing and overgrown by vegetation.

Steps tilting and rotting step supports.

Lawn Street steps from top, missing railing, shaky and tilted stairs.