Butler St near 62nd St Bridge to Sawyer St

According to the City of Pittsburgh database these steps were made of wood and were 87 steps long.  I went to visit these steps in April of 2021 and I missed them being there by maybe twenty or more years.  Visiting the location where they were, all that I found was a single steel pipe that I can guess was part of these steps railing at one time.  But even this might not be part of the steps, because if the steps were wooden they would not have had a steel railing.

At one time these steps served four houses.  Even without these steps, the detour around to Sawyer Street is not very long, and I am guessing that not many people are walking on Butler Street anymore.  Steps that serve almost no one, now gone.  The City of Pittsburgh no longer has 877 flights of steps, as shown in its database.